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News Releases
SGA Tree Trimming Ceremony Kicks Off Month of Philanthropic Holiday Celebrations at NVCC

NVCC students unraveled lights, unpacked bulbs from boxes, and laid out strands of golden garland in the College’s Prism Lounge to trim a tree that provided aesthetic cheer during this holiday season. Shortly after the decorations were hung, 75 tags bearing wishes from children joined the trimmings on the tree. Working in coordination with the Greater Waterbury division of the Salvation Army, Karen Blake, Director of Student Activities, and members of the Student Government Association (SGA) transformed the tree from being a mere object of beauty to a meaningful way for the College to give back. In four easy steps, staff, faculty, and students used the tags to make a child’s wishes come true: participants selected the bottom of any tag from the “giving tree,” purchased an appropriate gift, fastened the tag to the gift, and returning both to the College. The Salvation Army distributed these gifts to families of children in need. Children’s requests this year ranged from bikes to basketballs to clothes. In addition to the giving tree, NVCC was involved in a winter clothing drive led by student organization Phi Theta Kappa. The drive collected gently used coats, hats, mittens, and scarves for Acts 4, a local non-denominational organization which supports the needs of families and individuals in financial distress. In addition, the College raised money for a pajama drive, donating 30 pairs of new pajamas to students at Walsh Elementary school in Waterbury for their pajama day.
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