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Nursing Students - References

Because reference letters for nursing students are required to be confidential and not to be read by students, as a courtesy Career Services will receive and send reference letters to employers for nursing students.

We strictly comply with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) regulations.  Therefore you must sign a waiver that you will not read the references from instructors and must complete and sign request forms for Career Services to send any references to employers.

You are required to present a valid government-issued photo ID, and to sign the waiver form in the presence of a Career Services staff member.  We will make a copy of the photo ID to be kept in your file for audit purposes.  All requests for references to be sent must have original signatures on them.

No faxed or scanned signatures can be accepted.

Checklist for References:

  1. Complete the Nursing Reference Waiver form.
  2. Bring a government-issued photo ID to Career Services, L524, and sign the Nursing Reference Waiver form in the presence of office staff.
  3. Complete and sign the Nursing Reference Letter form to request references from CT State Naugatuck Valley faculty and send to the faculty member from whom you are requesting the reference.  Request for Reference Letters Form
  4. When you are ready to have references sent to employers, complete and sign the Request for Sending References form and send it to Career Services.  All signatures must be original, no emails or faxes can be accepted. Request for Sending References Form
  5. If you wish to have resumes and/or cover letters sent to employers in a package with your references, send copies to Career Services to keep in your file. 

Contact & Location

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L524, 5th Floor Walkway


M 8:30am - 4:30pm
T 8:30am - 4:30pm
W 8:30am - 4:30pm
TH 8:30am - 4:30pm
F 8:30am - 4:30pm
Evening Hours by appointment only