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U.S. Representative Elizabeth Esty Recognizes NVCC for Successful Manufacturing Job Placements, Community Collaboration and Grant Opportunities that Make a Difference in Lives of Students

U.S. Representative Elizabeth Esty Recognizes NVCC for Successful Manufacturing Job Placements, Community Collaboration and Grant Opportunities that Make a Difference in Lives of Students
Naugatuck Valley Community College is often in the news for the work it does to serve our 22-town service area. A string of student opportunities and success recently landed the college in the newsletter of U.S. Congressional Representative, Elizabeth Esty:
  • 100% job placement from the College’s manufacturing certificate program.
  • Continuous dialogue with federal, state and municipal leaders to create partnerships that “respond to our mission.”
  • The opening of the new Center for Health Sciences in Founders Hall.
  • Collaboration with and assistance from Representative Esty with multiple grant requests through the U.S. Department of Education, one of which allowed the college to increase its enrollment of students within science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

Esty has helped the College in pursuit of more than a few grants including:

  • DoE HIS-STEM and Articulation Grant Program
  • Fulbright Scholar in Residence Program
  • National Endowment of the Humanities through the Humanities Initiatives at Community Colleges 
  • Grant program
  • Grant application for Funding for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education to establish a Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success

NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., noted “the college was honored to be recognized by Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty in her district-wide newsletter for our collective efforts as we work toward a splendid college. I am so very grateful to the NVCC family for your continued hard work and dedication to our students.”

Representative Esty, a staunch ally for education, job-growth, and student success emphasized the importance of the work she does to support the college. “Educating and preparing our students for a 21st century economy is one of my top priorities in the Congress. Students and mid-professionals alike should have access to affordable, high-quality education that prepares them to enter high-paying careers in in-demand fields. Naugatuck Valley Community College (NVCC) has excelled in developing a long-term vision to improve diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) industries and in preparing their students for life after graduation. I am proud to partner with NVCC to ensure that Connecticut residents from all backgrounds can unlock their full potential and embark on fulfilling careers.”

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