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NVCC’s SGA Secretary Serves as Panelist at CHERE’s Diversity Conference

NVCC’s SGA Secretary Serves as Panelist at CHERE’s Diversity Conference
Abimelec Salgado, Secretary of NVCC’s Student Government Association (SGA), represented his fellow students at the Center for Higher Education Retention Excellence (CHERE) Conference at the University of Hartford on June 22. “Being Diverse Isn't Enough: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Action,” was the first topic in a series of three conferences. This was the first time NVCC participated in a CHERE conference and Salgado was recommended to be a panelist at one of the conference sessions by NVCC’s Dean of Student Services, Sarah Gager.

“We were delighted to have Abimelec Salgado share his voice on a student panel.  Hearing the voice of Abimelec and his peers brought tremendous value to the conversation and engaged participants on a level that focused our attention on our students and allowed us insight into what we can do to help them achieve their goals,” said Dean Gager.

Salgado noted that the conference gave him a lot of ideas that he hopes to incorporate as an SGA officer this semester. Specifically, through data collection, he wants to learn what challenges face faculty and students and where are there disconnects in communication. A first year Engineering Science student at NVCC, Salgado also hopes to understand where there are, “walls or deficiencies,” for students.

CHERE is part of the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education with members that include public and private universities and colleges, including community colleges. Its mission is to improve policies and practices that lead to higher college retention for challenged and underrepresented students.

NVCC will participate in the next CHERE conference on September 20 where the efficacy of programs aimed to help female students in higher education will be discussed.


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