News and Releases
NVCC Student Clubs Create Fun and Engaging Virtual Student Interactions

The NVCC Events Management Club, in collaboration with the Digital Arts Technology Club, produced a virtual cooking lesson with an on-campus component that was videotaped and live streamed by students from the NVCC Digital Arts program. All participants received the necessary ingredients in advance so they could prepare the food for their families at home.
Karen Rotella, Program Coordinator for the Hospitality program, directed the production. Students and hospitality faculty assisted by Dr. Lisa Dresdner, NVCC CEO, prepared grilled vegetables, red pepper hummus and pita chips, and homemade salsa.
Commenting on the event, Karen Blake, Director of Student Activities, noted how wonderful it was “for our students to participate while in their own homes. Many students let us know how much they enjoyed it. Based on the students’ participation, we will be offering more interactive events next semester with the help of the Digital Arts and Naugatuck Events Management Clubs.”
CEO Dresdner added, “Of course, the real reward came with being able to eat the products of our labors.”
One of our important, annual activities that NVCC usually hosts on campus is Fresh Check Day, which supports students’ mental health and wellness and strengthens awareness of suicide prevention. This year Fresh Check Day was held virtually, and students engaged in a wide variety of interactive activities. Prior to participating, nearly 60 students picked up a box put together by Student Activities that included all kinds of items such as T-shirts, journal books, stress balls, and a packet filled with motivational items to use at home while participating in the activities.
Another popular activity was NVCC’s first virtual “Paint Night” sponsored by Student Activities and the Student Government Association in collaboration with the Art Club. More than 35 students signed up for this event led by Associate Professor of Art, Amanda Lebel. Every student received a supply kit from Student Activities that included a canvas, primary color paints, brushes, and palette paper. Professor Lebel did a wonderful job teaching the students how to paint a birch-tree scene with acrylics through the live-streamed event.
Once the event was completed, Professor Lebel created a “virtual gallery” for students to show off their artwork by submitting photos of their painting project. Karen Blake, Director of Student Activities noted, “Students’ families even purchased their own canvases and supplies, so they could participate during this family night event!”
Yonialis Bruno, a student at NVCC, stated, “The activity was so much fun, I really enjoyed painting. I even did it with my mom which was nice. I would love to do something like this again. Thank you for doing this activity.” You may check out the photos at:
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