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NVCC Leads the State’s Community Colleges in NIMs Certifications

NVCC Leads the State’s Community Colleges in NIMs Certifications
Naugatuck Valley Community College (NVCC) led the way with 162 certifications from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) awarded this academic year.  Celebrating the highest number of certifications, out of the seven community colleges in the state system that have Advanced Manufacturing Technology Centers (AMTC), NVCC is again poised to make a difference to the local workforce training. These nationally recognized, portable, stackable credentials are often used by manufacturers to identify qualified candidates for employment.

NIMS was established in 1995 by the metalworking trade associations to maintain and enhance a globally competitive United States workforce. The organization sets skills standards for the industry, certifies individual skills against those standards and accredits training programs that meet NIMS quality requirements. According to NIMS, manufacturers use the credentials “to recruit, hire, place and promote individual workers. Training programs use the credentials as performance measures of attainment, often incorporating the credentials as completion requirements. The credentials are often the basis for articulation among training programs.”

2015 was the first year that Naugatuck Valley Community College offered the NIMS certification.  The College started the program with an impressive completion rate of 127 credentialed students. This year that number has increased by 27.5%.  Joe DeFeo, Director of the NVCC Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center, attributes the increase in certifications to two factors. “Area employers view this certification as a differentiator. It gives NVCC students a competitive advantage when applying for jobs with manufacturing companies. Also, due to the strength of the Danbury Incumbent Worker certificate program, where most students are obtaining NIMS credentials, the numbers are increasing.”

NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. acknowledged the staff and students for their contributions to this significant milestone.  “I am grateful for the leadership of Director Joe DeFeo, the good work of our generous and hard-working managers, faculty and staff, for the diligence of our students and our effective partnership with manufacturers. NVCC is leading in significant ways for our students and the communities we serve.”

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