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NVCC Hosts Donor Reception for Capital Campaign Donors

NVCC Hosts Donor Reception for Capital Campaign Donors
Naugatuck Valley Community College President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., welcomed a standing-room-only crowd to the Juan and Carmen Núñez Atrium and Morganti Commons to celebrate the success of the College’s capital campaign to furnish the Center. President De Filippis began the event with gratitude and celebration, acknowledging the leaders of the campaign- Peter Jacoby, MD, FACEP, Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Saint Mary’s Hospital,  James Troup, Provost and Senior Dean of Administration, and Waldemar Kostrzewa, Dean of Community Engagement. Jacoby took the podium to share a personal anecdote about his enthusiastic acceptance of the charge to lead the campaign.

The festivities have ended, but Jacoby’s commitment continues. “I am still asking!” he told the crowd.

Master of Ceremonies, Waldemar Kostrzewa, assisted President De Filippis in presenting Special Recognition Awards to donors and community leaders whose participation and exemplary contributions made a difference to the outcome of the campaign:

  • Joel Baranowski
  • Robert Burns
  • Dr. Peter J. Jacoby
  • Frank Monteiro
  • Mayor Neil M. O'Leary
  • Darlene Stromstad
  • Chad Wable


President De Filippis acknowledged key contributors and life-long colleagues with special recognitions. She recognized the indefatigable generosity of the Capital Campaign Chairman Dr. Peter Jacoby, and the unwavering support of the Honorable Mayor Neil O’Leary and our community partners- Robert Burns, Frank Monteiro, Darlene Stromstad and Chad Wable.  President De Filippis was then joined by Dr. Estela Lopez in recognizing Dr. Elsa Núñez and Dr. Richard Freeland, who were presented with a plaque honoring their extraordinary commitment.


Forty feet of wall along the northeast edge of the Morganti Commons features a wall dedicated to the donors who supported the campaign and for whom this reception was hosted. Over 190 donors in 7 categories gave more than $1.047 million dollars to help furnish the center.  Emceed from the podium, the reveal of the donor wall captivated the audience. Drawn by an NVCC art student, a wallpaper background presented the metaphor of bees, representing the community and interconnectedness of all living things.


Colorful cuisine and creativity from Karen Rotella, Professor and students of the NVCC Hospitality Management program followed. The Saint Mary’s Hospital and Waterbury Hospital Community Room was filled with stations of diverse cuisine including paella, sushi, and pasta presented in artistic settings. Under the direction of Professor Rotella, NVCC students prepared and served the donors and their guests. Angelika Anacta and Belinda DuPre, students in the Hospitality Program were the student managers for the catered food. This was their senior portfolio project to satisfy the requirements of the Catering & Events Management course. Both students worked tirelessly over the course of six weeks to design an appropriate menu, order the food, assign and supervise their classmates and volunteers in food preparation and design. They took responsibility to oversee satisfaction for the more than 125 guests that attended the ceremony and celebration in the Community Room.

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