News and Releases
NVCC Hosts Alumni from Three Colleges to Celebrate 50 Years of Higher Education and Community Service

Alumni from Waterbury State Technical College, Mattatuck Community College, and Naugatuck Valley Community College came together at NVCC’s Technology Hall on Thursday, October 23. A core group of Alumni who are leading the charge to re-invigorate NVCC’s Alumni Association worked to host the event. NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., opened the celebration with welcoming remarks and a charge to the group “to celebrate the success you all represent and to elect an alumni leadership team to bring prosperity to so many who need us.” She thanked the attendees for “coming together to work for the greater good,” and spoke of how higher education is the portal to a better life.
Mayor Neil O’Leary followed with remarks about the legacy of the three institutions. James O’Rourke, a 1995 graduate of Mattatuck Community College, presently the Executive Director of the Waterbury YMCA, spoke about the difference the College had made in his life and expressed his support for the Alumni Association. Jim told the crowd, “Whenever I am with a young person at the Y, I tell them ‘Check out NVCC.’ I let them know, education allows you to be successful. Education is power. I am a product of that and a proud graduate of Mattatuck’s Class of 1995.”
Leonard Cyr, a 1972 graduate of Waterbury State Technical College, and current member of the NVCC Alumni Association, invited Alumni to consider the benefits of being part the Alumni Association and the opportunity to make a difference by being an ambassador for the College.
NVCC Directors of Admissions and Financial Aid, Linda Stango and Cathy Hardy, respectively shared a vignette from their days at Mattatuck Community College and Waterbury State Tech. Their reminiscing led to the introduction of Miss Mattatuck 1985, Gina Gelbogis-Palmieri, who performed several songs from the 80’s with the volume, grace and passion of a top performer. The audience was spellbound.
The evening was emceed by Abdul Shabazz, a 2009 graduate of Naugatuck Valley Community College.
Dom Falcone, who graduated in 1978 with an associate degree of business from Mattatuck Community College, said how impressed he is with the many campus upgrades since he was last on campus fifteen years ago. “So much has changed.” Falcone took classes full time while holding down a full-time job and helping his wife raise their four sons. It wasn’t easy and he credits the late Gloria Pond, his English professor, for encouraging him to continue when he was ready to give up. “She said to me, ‘You are an honor student and honor students don’t drop out. You can do this!' “ He did continue and was inducted into the college’s honor society. Thirty years later, there is a new Falcone on NVCC’s campus. Falcone’s grandson, Joseph La Franier, is a student in the college’s Fire Technology Program. NVCC is the only community college in the state to offer the program.
The Alumni Association of Naugatuck Valley Community College meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 6 pm. Contact Elizabeth Catuccio for details at 203-575-8045 or