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NVCC Campus Community Shares Glasses to View Dazzling Eclipse

NVCC Campus Community Shares Glasses to View Dazzling Eclipse
On Monday, Aug. 21, the solar eclipse dazzled viewers across the United States. At NVCC, students, faculty and staff gathered on the plaza to watch as the moon’s path crossed the sun’s, casting a shadow on Earth.


Aspiring photographers, amateur astronomers, students, faculty and staff gathered to view the event. STEM Director Peter Angelastro had eight pair of NASA approved glasses which were shared by approximately 50 students, faculty and staff; some viewers brought their own glasses.


Angelastro noted that, “As a member of the NASA CT Space Grant Consortium, NVCC received the eclipse glasses from the University of Hartford, the lead CT institution. The STEM Division was pleased with such an enthusiastic response from amateur astronomers of all ages. The College is looking forward to a bigger event for the next total solar eclipse to be seen in our area on April 8, 2024. We should see closer to 90% totality compared to the 70% or so totality this time."


According to Angelastro, the CT Space Grant Consortium has been a boon to NVCC since the College joined the consortium in 2013. They have had over 20 students receive scholarships and many others earn internship and workshop opportunities. The next due date for scholarship applications is September 11, 2017, please contact Dr. Peter Angelastro atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.


This year’s eclipse was the first one to cross the entire continental U.S. since 1918, and the NVCC campus community took notice.


Student and staff photographers organized their tools for the once-in-a-lifetime event. “Jobs-on-Campus” student photographer, Maximo Raul Egusquiza, known as “Max” took several photos for this newsletter. The best is included.


NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. recognized the eclipse as “an event that united the campus in a celebration of the power and magnificence of the universe. How absolutely amazing and impactful an event! I thank Director Angelastro and our NASA CT Space Grant Consortium partners for their support in making the viewing possible for our NVCC family.”

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