News and Releases
NV May Community Spotlight
Waterbury, Conn. - NV congratulates our students, staff and faculty this month on their recent achievements at the College and in their fields of study!
NV in the Community

Since November of 2008, College students, faculty and staff have prepared and served meals to an average of two hundred people in need each week with food supported by a grant from Webster Bank. Learn more.
Naugatuck Valley Community College received the Father Cascia Community Service Award on April 18 at the annual gala held by the St. Vincent de Paul Mission in recognition of the College’s initiative to keep the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen open on Sundays. This initiative was spearheaded in November 2008 by the Hispanic Student Union. Since then, College students, faculty and staff have prepared and served meals to an average of two hundred people in need each week with food supported by a grant from Webster Bank. In attendance to receive the award were President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., and her husband, Nunzio De Filippis, a frequent volunteer in the soup kitchen; Tracie Mahar, the College’s coordinator at the soup kitchen; Professor Kathleen LeBlanc, human services program; SGA President Ramon Velazquez; Francois Rivera, admissions assistant and a student leader at the time the project was initiated; and AmeriCorps members Fedia and Danayris.
Students in the Human Services Club (left) collected more than 30 dresses on behalf of Youth Services of Greater Waterbury's Prom Project to give to young ladies who otherwise may not have been able to afford them. Students are required to participate in an advocacy assignment as part of their human services coursework.
Morgan Morse (right) received first runner-up for the Jack Stone Award for New Music, a national classical music composition contest for community college students. As part of the honor, Morgan received an expense-paid trip to San Antonio, TX to hear his piece performed by a professional music ensemble and to receive his award on April 23.
Dance majors Kelly Blankschen (2013) and Lori Hernandez(2014) have been accepted into Disney World as dancers for the summer and fall. Afterward, Lori will return to finish her degree at NV.
Assistant Professor Juleyka Lantigua-Williams, English, (right) had her essay “Teaching in the Real World” published in the March 2013 issue of The Progressivemagazine. In the essay, Juleyka celebrates her inspiring students and shares some lessons they have taught her while at NV. Juleyka also had her essay “Fade to Black” featured as the cover story in JET magazine’s April 29, 2013 issue. The special investigative report examines the correlation between race and unsolved missing persons cases.
Professor Donna Marotti (left), business, was initiated as an Honorary Member of the Tau Chapter of Alpha Beta Gamma on April 17 at the ABG Initiation Ceremony. This is in recognition of her commitment to the academic disciplines of business management, finance and economics as well as her invaluable service to the students of Naugatuck Valley Community College.
Rob Cormier, physics adjunct, has been named the town of Wolcott’s Teacher of the Year. Rob is also the head mentor for the Wolcott High School robotics team. After winning a local match in Connecticut and a regional match in Maine, the team has been invited to compete in the world championships in St. Louis, MO. The competition is sponsored by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology).
Professor Robert Herman (right), horticulture, was published in Pacific Horticulture’s online magazine describing the design of extensive gardens at a park in Frankfurt, Germany. The article also included some background information on Robert which includes the college.
Robert Nute (left) of the Newtown Emergency Communications Center, won the national award for his excellence in handling emergency calls. Nute handled the dispatch calls during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on Dec. 14, 2012. In addition to his dispatcher services, Robert is also an adjunct instructor of fire science at NV. Read more.
Kathy Taylor, J.D. (right), has agreed to serve as interim associate dean of academic affairs effective May 31, 2013. As interim associate dean, she will manage the Bridge to College programs, Academic Center for Excellence and the Learning Resources Center. Dr. Estela Lopez (left), who has been in that position for about three years, will transition to interim associate dean of institutional effectiveness. Her responsibilities will include providing assistance to the President in the systematic measurement of institutional effectiveness, including yearly review of NV Strategic Plan proposed outcomes; support to the Institutional Assessment Committee in its review of units’ assessment reports; and support to the Office of the Provost. Dr. Lopez will also supervise the Office of Institutional Research.
Jaime Hammond (right), acting director of library services, has been appointed to the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Value of Academic Libraries Committee. The committee oversees ACRL's Value of Academic Libraries Initiative which includes coalition building, professional development, publications, research, advocacy and consultation services and contributes to the ACRL Value website: This is a great opportunity to support research on the role of academic libraries in retention and to represent community colleges in those conversations.
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