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Leaders 'Break Bread' at Second Annual ConnSCU Day at the Capitol


Nicholas M. Donofrio, Board of Regents, talks with NV hospitality students.

Hartford, Conn. - The second annual ConnSCU (Connecticut State Colleges & Universities) Day at the Capitol featured delicious food prepared and provided by Naugatuck Valley, Gateway, Manchester and Norwalk Community College culinary students, as well as an opportunity for campus representatives, students, Regents and others to speak with legislators and elected officials about the important issues impacting the 17-campus system. The ConnSCU campuses are governed by the Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education.

"This is a beautiful opportunity to share information about our students and programs and to celebrate achievements,” said President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. “I thank Professor Rotella and her students for contributing to the celebration alongside colleagues and students from three of our sister institutions. It is powerful symbolism to have so many government leaders together ‘breaking bread’ prepared by our students.”

Allison O'Leary, NV public relations; Mitchell Holmes, NV Business Division Director; State Rep. Selim Noujaim; Eileen George, NV Allied Health and Nursing Division Director; Jaime Hammond, NV Library director

“While many legislators have strong and effective working relationships with the campuses in their communities, it is important that we bring our campus leaders, students, Regents and others to the Capitol to speak with legislators and other elected officials directly,” said Philip E. Austin, Interim President of the Board of Regents. “The food prepared by the community college culinary students was delicious and helped to illustrate, first-hand, how talented our faculty and students truly are. We thank the legislators and other elected officials who stopped by to say hello.”

In addition to the afternoon reception, ConnSCU Day at the Capitol also featured 17 campus displays in the concourse between the Legislative Office Building and the Capitol throughout the day, showcasing programs and workforce connections to illustrate the range of experiences a student can choose from at the state universities, community colleges and Charter Oak State College.

Deirdre Moutinho, NV Student Recruitment and Retention Specialist for advanced manufacturing, talked with passerby in the Capitol concourse about the College's unique offerings.

"There are so many questions these days about the value of higher education, particularly given the cost and particularly at community colleges," said William T. Brown, Ph.D., NV Behavioral and Social Sciences Division Director. "More than ever, we need to show the public and our elected officials what we do and just how well we do it. This was a great day for that."


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