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Naugatuck Valley Community College Welcomes 14th WAVE Class

Naugatuck Valley Community College Welcomes 14th WAVE Class
NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., faculty, students and staff celebrated the opening of the Workforce Achievers Value Education (WAVE) program at the College’s Waterbury campus. This marks the 14th year of the WAVE program at NVCC.  Funded by The Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board, it provides support and guidance to students as they transition to post-secondary education. W.A.V.E has worked with high school students in the NVCC 22-town service area, achieving an 89% graduation rate in 13 years. Yesterday’s orientation program welcomed fourteen new students from Kennedy, Wilby, Danbury, Kaynor, Waterbury Career Academy and Watertown High Schools. Fourteen returning students from last year’s program were also present. Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board Executive Director, Catherine Aawad commented on the success of the program at NVCC, “The NRWIB is excited to kick off another year of the WAVE program with NVCC. The students have a unique opportunity to develop their educational and occupational skills in an environment that provides for maximum success.”

President De Filippis welcomed the students and challenged them with a poem, “I Cultivate White Roses,” distributed in both English and Spanish. The President reminded them to cultivate “white roses” in their lives, among their peers and most especially in their work. In other words: Love yourself. Love your communities. Love your studies. She advised them to be diligent in their studies and unrelenting in the development of their natural proclivity which would lead to the major and ultimately, the career that is right for them.

Simple Verse 39
I have a white rose to tend
In July as in January;
I give it to the true friend
Who offers his frank hand to me.
And to the cruel one whose blows
Break the heart by which I live,
Thistle nor thorn do I give:
For him, too, I have a white rose.
-José Martí

Mitchell Holmes, Professor of Business and Director of the WAVE program at NVCC since its inception 14 years ago, led the opening program. Holmes introduced the students to the Deans, Directors and Faculty who were in attendance, advising them that they should get to know the administration, faculty and staff who can help them succeed. Holmes commented that, “WAVE has supported many local youth in obtaining an Associate’s Degree and going on to a University. Many are now employed and earning middle class incomes including Nurses, business professionals and several students in Doctoral programs.”

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