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Naugatuck Valley Community College Planning Virtual Commencement to Honor the Class of 2020

Naugatuck Valley Community College Planning Virtual Commencement to Honor the Class of 2020
Graduation for the NVCC Class of 2020 will be celebrated through a virtual commencement ceremony with a video set to premiere on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 6:30 in the evening. The video may be viewed on NVCC’s YouTube Channel, and/or the College’s Facebook page. The link for the virtual commencement will be sent by email and posted on the College website and social media.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 marks the twelfth anniversary of the arrival of President Daisy Cocco De Filippis to Naugatuck Valley Community College. The President noted “It is bittersweet to celebrate my final commencement at NVCC on the same day as I began my presidency in 2008. However, I am so proud of our NVCC graduates as they have faced and conquered unique circumstances during this pandemic to successfully complete their degree and certificate programs. While I would have preferred to celebrate with our students and our families at the beautiful Palace Theater, social distancing and the health of our community is paramount. I will be viewing the commencement video at 6:30 pm on July 14 and I hope that our students and their families, faculty, staff and the members of our NVCC community will join me as we celebrate the wonderful and resilient NVCC Class of 2020!”

The virtual celebration will open with celebratory remarks by President De Filippis and feature commencement addresses by NVCC Valedictorian, Jennifer Jones and NVCC Professor of English, Steve Parlato.  Degrees will be virtually conferred through a slide show of the graduates including a photo with their names, degree and/or certificate. Students will be mailed their diplomas later in July.

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