News and Releases
Naugatuck Valley Community College Opens New Center for Health Sciences

President De Filippis gratefully acknowledged state, community, and college partners whose support made it possible. “This renovation could not have been accomplished and our vision achieved without the support of so many individuals including Governor Malloy, Mayor Neil O’Leary, our Waterbury delegation at the State Capitol, President Mark Ojakian and Keith Epstein in the CSCU system office, DCS Project Manager Joel Baranowski, architects Rich Brown and Ken Pilon, contract administrator Seumas Quinn, and Nabil Takla and the entire Morganti Group. At the College, I must thank Provost James Troup for his steady guidance of this project, as well as Bob Divjak, Sandy Roosa, Conal Larkin and our IT staff for their efforts with this endeavor. And of course, our wonderful students and faculty whose successes made this project worthy of support.”
NVCC’s Nursing & Allied Health and Community & Economic Development (CED) programs and colleagues have begun to move into this beautiful new space. The Center is filled with new equipment and software purchased with the generous support of NVCC colleagues, the NVCC Foundation, the Student Government Association, the Regional Advisory Council and the greater Waterbury community. It was constructed from the original Waterbury State Tech building, built in 1964. Through the support of state bonding for construction and a capital campaign for the furnishings, the center is well on its way to becoming a resource for students, faculty, allied health professionals and the community. President De Filippis acknowledged Dr. Peter Jacoby, Chairman of Emergency Medicine, Saint Mary’s Hospital for his leadership as the Campaign Champion for the Capital Campaign; “with his help we are well on our way to meet our fundraising goal.”
After touring the new Center late last week before the opening, President De Filippis acknowledged that she was in awe of the beautiful spaces it provides for NVCC’s students to learn, faculty to teach and the college and community to come together. She encouraged the community to learn more about the new Center for Health Sciences at NVCC. For more information or a tour of the new Center for Health Sciences, please call the Office of the Provost at 203-575-8220.
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