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Naugatuck Valley Community College Hosts Annual Community Meeting

Naugatuck Valley Community College Hosts Annual Community Meeting
The seventh annual community meeting celebrated the College’s plan for “A Decade of Vision and Service.” Hosted in the Technology Hall Dining Room for the last time, the community event, which will be moved to the new Community Room in the newly constructed Center for Health Sciences which opens December 2016, was enthusiastically attended by 90 campus and community partners.

The program, emceed by NVCC Dean of Community Engagement Waldemar Kostrzewa, featured a keynote by NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. The President shared a summary of the accomplishments of the College and projected the next ten years as a “decade of service.”  “It gives me pleasure to affirm that our five strategic goals continue to guide our efforts and to support continued improvement and enhancement of educational opportunities for our students,” said NVCC President De Filippis.

“We believe in our communities and our partners; we believe in you; we believe in the awesome potential that working together has to produce meaningful outcomes.” She highlighted initiatives that have been features of the
2013-16 Strategic Plan, Toward a Splendid College. They will continue to be an integral part of the next ten-year strategic plan.

1.  The College’s intentional efforts to increase diversity in hiring and across the curriculum

2.  Support and professional development for adjunct faculty

3.  A focus on fundraising and institutional-building grants to support the College and our students

4.  Continuation of College efforts to support student completions

5.  The success rates of allied health students on the licensure exams

6.  The significant effort of the Dean of OCE to engage all constituencies on multiple occasions in the drafting/planning of the next strategic plan

7.  Working with the community to increase their support of the College.

In the spirit of community collaboration, the President invited the audience to attend the annual All College meeting on September 23, 2016.

Dean of Community Engagement, Waldemar Kostrzewa, summarized the highlights of the NVCC Strategic Plan ending in 2016, followed by Provost and Senior Dean of Administration, James Troup’s showing the “Framework for the Next Decade,” which featured the new NVCC Center for Health Sciences and the ten-year College master plan outlining ambitious enrollment expansion, campus improvement, and new construction.

The interactive portion of the program asked the campus and community partners to advise the College on activities and initiatives to achieve the five goals of the NVCC Strategic Plan. Two roundtables were focused on each of the five goals. The Roundtable Reports allowed the participants to summarize their recommendations. Next steps are developed from these reports. According to Dean Kostrzewa, the meeting informed a series of initiatives to be undertaken by the College in pursuit of the five goals of the 2016-2026 Strategic Plan. The new ten-year strategic plan will be presented at the September All-College Meeting.

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