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Naugatuck Valley Community College Celebrates Fifth Annual Open House and Greater Waterbury Educational Leadership Breakfast

Naugatuck Valley Community College Celebrates Fifth Annual Open House and Greater Waterbury Educational Leadership Breakfast
Naugatuck Valley Community College hosted its fifth annual Spring Open House on Sunday, April 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Technology Hall Atrium where prospective students and their families visited NVCC’s Waterbury Campus. Faculty, staff, and student leaders were on hand to talk one-on-one with prospective students and visitors about applying to and attending NVCC. Campus tours were conducted throughout the day with stops at the Library, Academic Center for Excellence, Student Center, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center, Hospitality Management Program, allied health labs, and other popular locations. The event featured workshops on topics including financial aid and admissions. Staff and faculty received a surprise visit from two former faculty, Guy Buccino and Robert Impresa, both of whom taught chemistry and mathematics at the College before retiring. “It’s a quantum jump from what we had before,” said Buccino as he walked around the halls on a special tour of the new Center for Health Sciences.

On Monday morning, the College followed the event with a Leadership Breakfast for high school principals, guidance counselors, and leaders in secondary education from the 22-town service area. Local education leaders learned about the latest initiatives at NVCC including the transfer articulation program (TAP), the supplemental instructional outcomes program, and the ongoing collaboration between NVCC’s library and several Waterbury Public schools. Dr. Peter Angelastro, Division Director of the College’s STEM division, introduced the NVSION grant program and how it will help students who qualify, although the grant award is not official, Dr. Angelastro described the College’s confidence in receipt of this opportunity. The breakfast concluded with tours of the new Center for Health Sciences for all interested parties.

Waterbury Mayor Neil O’Leary acknowledged NVCC President De Filippis for making such progress in serving the educational needs of the community and reminded the high school principals and guidance counselors to be aware of the opportunities NVCC offers for them.

The Open House followed by the Educational Leadership Breakfast have become an annual tradition at Naugatuck Valley Community College. Both events brought in close to 600 visitors to the College and dozens of applications for enrollment were submitted from prospective students.

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