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1,325 Awards Given Out to NVCC's Largest Commencement Class (Yes, again.)

Graduates of the Class of 2014 ranged in age from 17 to 71, and hailed from 10 states in total.
On May 29, 2014 at its 49th commencement, Naugatuck Valley Community College celebrated, for the fifth year in a row, the largest graduating class in the history of the College at the Waterbury Palace Theater.
While total graduates and awards will continue to be calculated throughout the summer as students complete their coursework, there are 1,050 graduates thus far, including 200 students who received multiple degrees and certificates. Of these graduates, 186 graduated Cum Laude, 84 graduated Magna Cum Laude and 37 graduated Summa Cum Laude.
The total number of awards conferred at Commencement was 1,325, including 800 Associate in Science degrees, 80 Associate of Arts degrees and 445 certificates in various subjects and areas of specialization.
"It’s been a challenging year, but as you see before you, the rewards have far outweighed the challenges of managing difficult budgets," said NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis to the packed theater. "Together, we have moved ahead in so many wonderful directions."
NVCC graduates hailed from 91 municipalities across Connecticut and 9 other states. The youngest graduate this year is 17, the oldest is 71 years of age. The largest field of study was General Studies, in which 250 associate degrees were awarded.
"We believe in opportunity, access, inclusiveness, academic excellence, and community engagement," said President De Filippis. "You are proof that NVCC is fulfilling its mission. We believe in our students and their futures. We believe in you – our graduates — and in your ability to make the future brighter for yourselves and for all of us as you follow your dreams."
Special speakers included U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, The Honorable Neil M. O'Leary, Mayor of Waterbury; Professor Lucy Anne Hurston, commencement speaker; and President Gregory Gray and Chairman Nicholas Donofrio of the Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education.
See some of the highlights below or view all of our photos on Facebook.
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