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Young Manufacturers Academy Visits NVCC

Naugatuck Valley Community College hosted the Young Manufacturers Summer Career Fair and Student Recognition Ceremony on August 13. The event, organized by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT), brought together more than 40 middle school students and their parents to learn about careers in manufacturing and engineering. It capped off the two-week Young Manufacturers Summer Academy, which took place at W.F. Kaynor Technical High School in Waterbury, Platt Technical High School in Milford and E.C. Goodwin Technical High School in New Britain.
“Manufacturing is the future of Connecticut,” said NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. “As I look at this event and the opportunity that was created by CCAT, the technical high schools, the College, the Smaller Manufacturers Association and many others… I can say that you have spent a very good summer.” She added that the word is out about the quality of NVCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center, as enrollment numbers are up compared to the same point in 2014.
President De Filippis urged the students to explore their educational and career opportunities and consider the many degrees and certificates offered by NVCC. She also noted how pleased she was to see so many female students in attendance, as women are underrepresented in the manufacturing sector.
“We are looking for people like yourselves who are that next generation of young men and women who are going to be the creators of our community,” said Cyndi Zoldy, executive director of the Smaller Manufacturers Association, which is housed at NVCC. “Manufacturing really is a great career path.”
During the academy, students participated in activities on the shop floors of the technical high schools and took field trips to local manufacturers.
“There’s a huge need for a talented, young generation of manufacturing employees,” said Calvin Brown, an education and workforce development specialist with CCAT. The objective of the program is to teach students what manufacturing is, why it’s important and the opportunities that exist in the field, as well as to inspire them to pursue a career in manufacturing if it appeals to them.
The event included the opportunity for students to meet with local manufacturers and discuss potential career opportunities, instructor and student testimonials and the presentation of certificates to students who participated in the program. The Young Manufacturers Summer Academy is sponsored by Connecticut Dream It. Do It. and the Department of Economic and Community Development’s Manufacturing Innovation Fund.
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