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Thomaston Savings Bank, NVCC Honor Advanced Manufacturing Technology Students

Thomaston Savings Bank, NVCC Honor Advanced Manufacturing Technology Students
Naugatuck Valley Community College honored the successes of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center (AMTC) students during the fall semester on December 21 with a graduation and presidential awards ceremony. The event recognized the program’s 14 evening cohort graduates, the recipients of the fourth annual Presidential Awards and the winner of the annual scholarship generously presented by Thomaston Savings Bank.

Established by NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. to challenge manufacturing students to excel, the awards recognize the top ten students in the program as measured by GPA. A second award went to 20 AMTC students with a GPA of “B” or better. More than just a certificate, the awards generously support student participation by providing, at no cost to the recipient, classes such as welding, master cam and OSHA training, which translate to career-enhancing credentials.


“We have worked really hard and close with industry to make sure that our students, when they graduate here, go on to serve the needs of the companies and also to have very long, productive lives,” said President De Filippis. She shared the poem “Two Kinds of Intelligence” by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi, which speaks of a “fountainhead from within” tapped through learning.

“As we celebrate achievement and dedication, and as you begin to get ready to complete the certificate that will get you positions, keep in mind to always tap, no matter how competitive it is, that fountainhead within you,” said President De Filippis.

In addition, Thomaston Savings Bank awarded its annual $2,500 scholarship to AMTC student Lynne Meholik. Now in its third year, the scholarship was established to honor manufacturing’s significant role in the heritage of the bank and the communities it serves, said Thomaston Savings Bank President and CEO Stephen Lewis. “We look at this program … yes it helps you get a job, but I think more importantly, it helps you get a career,” he said.

Students rehearsing for the production.

“I came here because I wanted to advance my knowledge in CNC machining and it’s been a very good program,” said Meholik, who expressed her gratitude to the bank and her mentors at NVCC. “My teachers have been awesome.”

Since its opening in 2012, NVCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center has a job placement rate approaching 90 percent and has expanded to include partnerships with Kaynor Technical High School in Waterbury and Abbott Technical High School in Danbury.

Potential students and those interested in learning more about NVCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center may contact Deirdre Moutinho at 203-575-8014 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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