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Student Spotlight: Yovany Cruz

Naugatuck Valley Community College Alumna Sets Her Sites on a Future of Advocacy and Social Justice
Yovany Cruz is a 2014 graduate of Naugatuck Valley Community College. She transferred to the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, CT, where she majored in Social Work. Professors enthusiastically identify Yovany as a “star student.” Advocacy is a personal mission for Yovany. She is a strong advocate for the Latino community and for people in general, when she sees there is a need. She sees politics as a way to help people. Having graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work, she is taking a year off after graduation to research advocacy groups and graduate schools. Her long-term goal is a Ph.D. in a field that will serve her political, professional and personal goals. As the mother of a 9 year-old son, she has the challenge to balance her professional goals with her family responsibilities. Yovany’s experience at a women’s college has given her the confidence to pursue her dreams without geographical limit and she readily admits she is grateful for the support of her family.
In her senior year at the University of Saint Joseph, Yovany returned to NVCC as a social work intern. This experience highlighted her appreciation of how a community college prepares students. “Community colleges are better at preparing students for diversity. The awareness of diversity is an important asset for the learning environment. NVCC welcomes everyone. NVCC is where it all started. It is my home.”
Yovany majored in Human Services at Naugatuck Valley Community College. She was a member of the President’s Circle for two of her three years at NVCC. “This is where I learned to speak in front of a crowd, where I realized that my mission was to advocate for others- at that time I was advocating for the student body. It was my first opportunity to use my voice. That happened because the President and my professors believed in me. NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., and Professor Kathy LeBlanc advocated for me. I am an example of the difference community college can make.”
Yovany’s personal experience has inspired her empathy. Born in Waterbury, she is a first-generation college student and her experience growing up has taught her first-hand about the challenges and barriers that keep ethnic minorities and low-income families from higher education and the opportunities that follow. As a future leader, she has already developed the habit of expressing her ideas and advocating for change where ever she goes.
Yovany was selected to be the commencement speaker for the 2017 undergraduate class of the University of Saint Joseph. Her message to the graduates was “the human race is one large family. Do we live as though we are deeply connected to each other? Or do we allow ourselves to be divided based on social constructs?” The video of her speech is available on YouTube.
Yovany is keenly aware that she has a personal mission and is called to social action. We will be hearing more about her in the future. Reflecting on the accomplishments that Yovany has made since her time at NVCC, President De Filippis commented that “Yovany exemplifies the powerful potential that the support of NVCC endeavors to actualize on the lives of our students and the communities they live in and support. Her intelligence, her passion and her commitment make her one of the most powerful voices for the value of students and communities at NVCC.”
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