News and Releases
State Bond Commission Approves $6.5 Million for Campus Improvements

At a special meeting on July 28, the State Bond Commission approved more than $6.5 million for Naugatuck Valley Community College’s Waterbury Campus Improvement Project. The allocation will fund the realignment of the east campus entrance, renovate the parking lots adjacent to Founders Hall and provide for new site lighting and sidewalks. The project also includes a new walkway connecting Technology Hall and the renovated Founders Hall, which will house NVCC’s Center for Health Sciences.
“We celebrate today with gratitude, hope and joy the good work done at the College and the generous support we receive from so many,” said NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. “Today bodes well for our future as an academic community of excellence, engaged in changing the lives of our students for the better, and in contributing in measurable and meaningful ways to the communities we serve. “
This is the second Bond Commission allocation to the College in 2015. In January, the panel approved $39 million in funding for the renovation of Founders Hall, which carries a total price tag of $44 million. This latest funding award brings support for NVCC to more than $50 million—a significant investment by the State in the future of the College.
“There are so many to be thanked,” continued President De Filippis. “On our campus, Provost Jim Troup, for his steady commitment to the planning process; our Allied Health and Nursing faculty for their outstanding teaching and mentoring; and our students for their remarkable efforts and excellent results in their licensure exams. Our System Office colleagues, led by President Gregory W. Gray, in particular Vice President for Facilities Keith Epstein and Architect John Kraemer, are to be thanked for their support and guidance, and for making funding for NVCC one of the top priorities this year. We are eternally grateful to Governor Malloy for his supportive recognition of the work we are doing here together. Waterbury Mayor O’Leary and members of our delegation, in particular, State Senator Joan Hartley and State Representative Jeff Berger, the House Chairman of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee, have been advocates for the College.”
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