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NVCC's Music Students Dazzle at First Fall "Coffeehouse" Performance

The event was well attended by students, faculty, friends and family members. Refreshments and hospitality added to the celebratory nature of the evening. Audience members and performers alike had high praise for the event.
Bernadette Dennis, present at several coffeehouses, was “continually amazed at the talent, but really touched by the way they all supported each other.” Another audience member, Becky Roberts, remarked:” I was impressed with the talent, but even more with Dr. Harel’s introductions. He obviously had a personal connection with every single student.”
Danielle Eitapence, one of last year's graduates and faithful contributor to earlier coffeehouses, had this to say about the coffeehouses generally: "All of the students love getting involved and performing, but I believe the encouragement toward new performers seems to be the main attraction. Everyone is welcomed with a roar of applause and it helps new performers overcome first time nerves. There is an abundance of talent at every coffeehouse, but the personal touch of warmth and encouragement is what makes NVCC Music Department extraordinary."
The day after the event, Dr. Gil Harel reflected, “When I came here I saw a bunch of talented students with limited opportunities to showcase their skills. Giving them a forum for doing so gives them something to look forward to and spurs them to practice and prepare repertoire and for that alone, it's a big win. But the social aspect takes it to the next level. Seeing them together, cheering each other and basking in the glow of their accomplishments, that's the real magic.”
The evening lasted from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, but students lingered to talk, clean up and finish the cookies. The laughter and music that continued to fill the air, was a strong commentary on the fun the evening had provided for all who shared it.
The coffeehouse event was initiated last fall to showcase the talent and skills of students in the music program. Throughout the four coffeehouses held last year, it has grown into a well-loved social event that has fostered a strong sense of community in the music department.
The Music Society wishes to thank theatre staff, student government, and coffeehouse committee members for all the work that helped to make the event a success. A special thanks is extended to Dr Harel for the countless hours he gave to rehearsing and accompanying vocalists and directing the ensembles. Without his support and unwavering enthusiasm, the event would not have been possible.
This year’s second coffeehouse is tentatively scheduled for the last week in October. Watch for the date in flyers on campus, on the campus website, and in the local news. If you missed this one, you won’t want to miss the next.
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