News and Releases
NVCC’s Bocce Courts Get Their Debut
The Joseph V. Faryniarz Quad held its official dedication last October during the College’s 50th anniversary celebration. In 2017, NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. invited ideas to be submitted to her for use and development of what was then a vacant annex site comprising of about 40,000 square feet. Four proposals were submitted and the ones that were selected came from NVCC Professor Joe Faryniarz, co-advisor for the Agro-Bio Club, and SGA general consensus. Farnyiarz’s proposal called for the site to be seeded and trees planted on the perimeter. The site would accommodate passive and active use by students including areas for volleyball, bocce, horseshoes, and general socializing, with a park-like feel.
The impetus for starting the tournament came from Associate Dean of IT, Conal Larkin who recalls frequently walking by the courts but never seeing them in use. Thinking that bocce is a game that is easy to play with rules that are easy to understand and game times that are fairly quick, the idea just presented itself and Larkin latched on to it. It was wildly more successful than he’d anticipated.
“I would like to thank all the players, fans who came to watch and all those who supported this tournament. Without you, this wouldn’t have been possible. It was a rousing success and the champions, without doubt, deserving of their hard fought win! Grand plans are afoot, so watch for announcements,” said Larkin who served as the Commissioner of the game. He also noted that many expressed interest in continuing play during the summer and that different ideas are being looked into going forward.
NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. said, “I am delighted to celebrate the joy and camaraderie at the heart of these games. A very special congratulations to Claudia and Neph, and mil gracias to Conal, for the creation of a new annual activity to engage and celebrate being part of the NVCC family.”
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