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NVCC Welcomes Evening Cohort of Manufacturing Students

NVCC Welcomes Evening Cohort of Manufacturing Students
Naugatuck Valley Community College CEO, Lisa Dresdner, Ph.D., faculty, and staff welcomed the evening cohort of Advanced Manufacturing Technology students to campus for the spring semester. CEO Dresdner expressed her enthusiasm for this program and invited the students to share their reasons for enrolling. The primary theme was jobs, whether through a change of career or entering the workforce for the first time. Students explained that their interest in manufacturing emerged from apprenticeships, internships, workforce readiness, and anecdotes of friends who had graduated from the program to go onto successful careers in manufacturing. Dr. Dresdner summarized the theme, “We’re excited to welcome you to NVCC and into the Advanced Manufacturing Technology program, because it represents so much potential not only for you, but also for our communities when you enter the workforce!”    

The evening cohort attends classes Monday- Friday from 2 pm to 10 pm, and students graduate with a certificate in Advanced Manufacturing Technology after two semesters.   Joe DeFeo, Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center at NVCC, commented on the students in this cohort. "We look forward to welcoming our ninth evening manufacturing cohort into a program that began in January of 2013. The program has been highly successful in training and placing evening cohort students in area manufacturing jobs. A number of evening students work during the day in non-manufacturing positions throughout the region in hopes to begin a new and exciting career in manufacturing."    

CEO Dresdner announced NVCC’s incentive award for students who maintain a 3.0 GPA or better: one week of free training in Additive Manufacturing & Solid-Works (CAD program). Eligible students will also have good class attendance and participation and a recommendation from their shop instructor. The incentive classes will be held in early June 2021.  

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