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NVCC Travels to See Broadway's "Mean Girls"

NVCC Travels to See Broadway's "Mean Girls"
Almost 60 NVCC students, faculty and staff attended the Broadway production of Mean Girls on May 30. Mean Girls is a musical based on the 2004 film of the same name written by actress, comedian, writer and producer Tina Fey. The film was inspired by Fey’s real-life experiences in high school in addition to drawing inspiration from book Queen Bees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman. The trip was sponsored by NVCC’s Student Government Association. The musical was selected and voted on by the students of the Stage Society Club, due to its popularity on Broadway. The next NVCC trip to see a Broadway production will be during the Spring 2020 semester.

Following the performance, NVCC students were granted a talk-back with some of the actors in the show.

"My biggest take-away from the talk back,” said NVCC Assistant Professor of English Professor Chris Rempfer, who accompanied the students on the trip to the Big Apple, “was the conversation about what it's like to transition from our community and college stages to the bright glare of the Great White Way. The Broadway actors told the student actors that, at the end of the day, the Broadway stage is just a stage—taking up the same space and requiring the same acting craft that students are already studying and becoming proficient in at NVCC. Keep your head down, do the work, and you could be leading a talk back in the orchestra seats of your first Broadway show."

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