News and Releases
NVCC Joins the United Way of Greater Waterbury in Volunteers Day of Caring 2021

The United Way of Greater Waterbury last hosted a Day of Caring in 2009, and this year’s event marked its re-establishment after more than 10 years. The meaning behind Day of Caring is community involvement; volunteers go into the community after the official launch of a new campaign year, giving both volunteers and agencies working directly with United Way of Greater Waterbury an opportunity to interact with one another. Volunteers learn more about the work these agencies are doing, and agencies receive support in the form of various project needs including painting, landscaping, and more.
Megan E. Houlihan-Aceto, Director of NVCC’s GEAR UP program, coordinated Naugatuck Valley Community College ’s GEAR UP staff in their participation in the event as volunteers at the Cheshire Community Food Pantry, Inc. “GEAR UP staff enjoyed learning about local service opportunities as well as the needs in our community, while helping to organize and stock shelves at the food pantry. We hope to promote civic engagement amongst our GEAR UP students through the spirit of volunteerism, increase awareness of local human service organizations, and demonstrate how people working together for the common good can accomplish great things within our community. The United Way of Greater Waterbury puts the power of volunteerism to work and our collaboration with community partners helps us to learn about the United Way's work.”
Each United Way staff member supports Day of Caring by visiting each of the 11 locations to meet volunteers, thank them for their time, and share more about the work of United Way. Jessica Carlino / Volunteer Engagement Coordinator commented, “The United Way extends a note of sincerest thanks to our volunteers for the ways they support the mission of our organization. From donating time, money and resources – each volunteer is the reason we’re able to do the work we do. Day of Caring is an extension of this, an opportunity for volunteers to come together for the good of the community they’re living and working in. We hope each participant walks away feeling encouraged!”
The 2021-2022 Build the Bridge Campaign is now officially underway, and every dollar counts! Contact Jessica Carlino, Volunteer Engagement Coordinator at
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