News and Releases
NVCC Hosted Annual College Goal Sunday for All Area Students

Noel Rosamilio, Associate Dean Enrollment Management NVCC; Cathy Hardy, NVCC Director of Financial Aid and Veterans’ Affairs; Frank Bitetto, a volunteer from Central Connecticut State University’s Financial Aid Office; Scott Farrell, Assistant Director of Admissions, NVCC Danbury Campus; Terry Latella, Counselor Disability Services.
Volunteers from the NVCC Financial Aid Office included Debbie DiCicco, Johanis Ayala, Jacqueline Boyce, Brenda Perez, Lisa Boyko, and Christian Polanco-Pena, Financial Aid Work Study student.
The program opened with an introduction and welcome by Sarah Gager, Dean of Student Services. NVCC President, Daisy Cocco DeFilippis welcomed the students and their families. “Thank you for coming to us this afternoon, taking a significant step to ensure a better future for yourselves, your families and your communities. Education is about acquiring the key to enter a wider world of opportunities. Congratulations!”
Cathy Hardy, Director of Financial Aid and Veterans’ Affairs addressed the students and their families, providing closing advice. “We advise students and parents to follow-up with the college or university as soon as possible to determine if additional documentation is required. This can be done by either calling the financial aid office or checking the college’s website for deadline dates or the requirement of additional information. The sooner the information is provided to the school, the sooner the student will know how much financial aid they will be awarded. If you are uncertain about any information received, do not be afraid to ask questions of the financial aid office.”
For more information, contact Jacqueline Boyce in NVCC Financial Aid Office at
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