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NVCC Awarded Two State Grants

Waterbury, Conn. – Naugatuck Valley Community College was awarded a $143,626 grant from the Connecticut College Access and Success Program (ConnCAS) and $250,000 Connecticut Collegiate Awareness and Preparation Program (ConnCAP) funded through the Board of Regents For Higher Education.
ConnCAS designed to strengthen minority retention and graduation at Connecticut’s colleges and universities. The goal of ConnCAP is to provide programming that helps students successfully complete high school gain acceptance into college.
The ConnCAS program will begin summer 2013 with a cohort of 50 students who are primarily from underrepresented populations. Key components include a free summer program to transition students into college, and year-round access to extensive college support services including guidance, tutoring and mentoring.
“Being able to get to know the students on a personal level and helping them to achieve their goals is so rewarding, so I am thrilled that we can continue working to serve this need,” ConnCAS program coordinator Nicole Ariyavatkul said.
The ConnCAP program targets low income, Waterbury public school students lacking the means and support needed for successful college entry. Beginning at the end of eighth grade, students enrolled in the program are bused to NVCC during the summer and throughout their high school career to receive mentoring, advising, academic support and help with financial aid.
Former ConnCAP student Danielle McGee said much of her success gaining acceptance into Fairfield University and graduating Quinnipiac University’s School of Law this spring is due to her experience with ConnCAP.
“It really helped working with people who knew the process of what it takes getting into college-things like writing essays, studying for the SAT’s and visiting colleges,” McGee said. “It’s a great program.”
NVCC’s Bridge to College Director Janis Petrillo said the program has not only been wildly successful in placing students within universities and Ivy League colleges across the country, but many graduates choose to return to NVCC as professors and staff members, as well as ConnCAP instructors in the summer.
“It’s great because we’ve been around so long, we can see how well our students have done and share in their accomplishments through the years,” said Petrillo.
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