News and Releases
Naugatuck Valley Community College Welcomes 10th Year of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Program

CEO Dresdner expressed her enthusiasm for the opportunity that this program offers. “We’re excited to welcome you to NVCC and into the Advanced Manufacturing Technology program, because it represents so much potential not only for you, but also for our communities when you enter the workforce!”
Dr. Dresdner described the CEO’s Incentive Challenge as an added career enhancement that provides students who maintain a B or better average, have good class attendance and the approval of their shop instructor with one week of free training in Additive Manufacturing & Solid-Works (CAD Program) in January 2022.
Joe Defeo, Program Director of the AMTC, noted that “This past year we have recognized a number of top student performers within the Advanced Manufacturing Program. Our CEO’s Incentive Award was given to the top eight performers and the award continues to be a great way to motivate our students to strive for excellence!”
The opening day program continued with reminders to the students about the importance of “showing up” and an introduction to the resources available for academic support for challenging subjects from the tutoring center known as the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), the library, and, of course, their instructors.
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