News and Releases
Naugatuck Valley Community College to Welcome 5th Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence

Sacks has worked with various age groups in workshops, festivals, and acting classes. Her experience includes comedy improvisation, stand-up comedy, and appearances in film and television. Her wide range of experiences spans the globe: she has performed in a variety of Clowns Without Borders (Swedish Chapter) in expeditions to Myanmar (Burma), Jordan, and Rwanda. With P. Nalle Laanela, she co-authored The Clown Manifesto, a book of tools, insights, and advice exploring the art of the physical comedian.
Lisa Dresdner, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of NVCC, expressed her delight in hosting another Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence to the college. “Sacks is the fifth Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence to teach at NVCC,” she notes. “Four previous Fulbright scholars specializing in art, literature, music, and dance have expanded the multi-cultural programs at NVCC since 2012, and their contributions have enriched the lives of our students and our community.” This year’s Fulbright award includes collaborations with Capital Community College, Tunxis Community College, high schools, community organizations, and theater-related groups. Fulbright Scholars-in-Residence teach classes, work in the community, and reserve time to practice their craft.
Sasha Brätt, Associate Professor of Theater at NVCC, commented, "We are beyond excited to welcome Stacey to our community and to our department! Stacey will introduce the theater students to new and exciting ways of creating theater. She will help them use theater as an instrument for social change and to express themselves in ways they have not experienced before. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students and our community. We are so lucky to welcome Stacey Sacks this year!"
NVCC students will have an opportunity to work with this internationally acclaimed artist through two theater courses.
Plays in Production, THR 121 is a hands-on performance class in which students will collaborate to write and produce an original theatrical piece. This three-credit course meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00-6:30 PM.
Special Topics in Theater: Clown/Buffoon THR296 is a practical exploration of clowning and physical comedy and its various philosophies and forms. This course meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:30- 2:00 PM.
This year’s Fulbright award focuses on theater as one of the offerings under the college’s growing International Center for the Arts, which expands global awareness and celebrates cultural diversity and appreciation. B.L. Baker, Associate Dean, Liberal Arts and Behavioral and Social Sciences, noted, "Dr. Stacey Sacks will introduce students to a completely new and exciting way of producing theater. She will enable students to express their own creativity, develop and expand their artistic craft, and identify how their artistry can contribute to social change. Dr. Sacks will help embolden students’ voices through performance."
Returning students may register today. New students may contact the CAPSS Advising office at
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