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Naugatuck Valley Community College Nursing Program Ranks Among Top Colleges in the Northeast
Share evaluated a total of 122 schools offering Associate Degree in Nursing programs in the Northeast.
To develop the list of best ADN programs in the Northeast, looked at data from the nursing schools and ranked them based on four important factors, NCLEX-RN pass rates, academic quality, the nursing school’s reputation, and affordability, assigning the following weight to each of these factors:
1. NCLEX-RN Pass Rates (2016-2019): 60% (based on pass rates from 2016-19)
2. Academic Quality: 20%
3. The Nursing School's Reputation: 10%
4. Affordability: 10%
Based on these criteria the NVCC Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Program was ranked in top 10 nursing schools in the Northeast.
Listing NVCC’s ADN program in the top of this year’s survey, commented. “If you want your career in nursing to take off then you should consider Naugatuck Valley Community College’s associate program as one of your options. The course which is among the college’s top enrolled programs is also a highly ranked nursing program in the state of Connecticut. It prepares you to work effectively in long term care, acute care, and outpatient care nursing. Affordable education, a close-knit environment, and student-friendly policies ensure you graduate as a skilled nurse and a lifelong learner without accumulating a large amount of student debt.”