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Naugatuck Valley Community College Hosts Greater Waterbury Educational Leadership Breakfast

Naugatuck Valley Community College Hosts Greater Waterbury Educational Leadership Breakfast
President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D, deans, directors, faculty and staff of Naugatuck Valley Community College hosted the College’s annual educational update for more than 30 administrators, faculty and staff of the high schools of the 22-town region served by NVCC.  The educational breakfast event was moderated by Lisa Dresdner, Dean of Academic Affairs, in the Waterbury Hospital and Saint Mary’s Hospital Community room at the Center for Health Sciences in Founders Hall, on the Waterbury campus of NVCC. President De Filippis opened the program with a warm welcome and ended by reading a poem from Teaching with Fire.  The fire that it takes to get us all going, she said, pointing to our hearts and minds. “Last week, as I spoke to Crosby High School students, celebrating those who are college bound, the light of hope in their eyes reaffirmed my conviction that it does take brains and heart to ensure our young people don’t lose hope and believe in themselves and their ability to learn and celebrate their achievements.  Our work with the Waterbury Public Schools continues to grow opportunities for so many. I am grateful for the welcoming and collaboration NVCC receives from the Waterbury school system.”

Dr. Verna Ruffin, Superintendent of the Waterbury Public Schools, delivered greetings and thanks for the partnerships with Naugatuck Valley community College.” She noted “Great organizations partner and share a common vision to always do what is best in the interests of students and youth in the community they serve. Waterbury Public Schools is honored to partner with Naugatuck Valley Community College and jointly lay a strong foundation for this community. We join the City of Waterbury on the rise.”

Sarah Gager, Dean of Students, Naugatuck Valley Community College presented a summary of NVCC’s Early College Opportunities with a focus on the program’s success in Danbury. Gager noted, “Providing access and opportunity for high school students to take college courses and participate in Early College Opportunities while still completing their secondary education empowers them with skills and knowledge necessary to pursue postsecondary studies, more effectively compete in today’s workforce and beyond. The successes of our Danbury Early College Opportunity (DECO) students speaks volumes.  This year 17 DECO students (the first graduating class of seniors) participated in the 54th NVCC commencement exercises, earning a total of 21 degrees and/or credit certificates.”

Harry Burt, Professor of Mathematics, presented the College’s New Math Class Design for Faster Completionwhich highlighted curriculum changes in Mathematics that result in higher completion rates for students.

Antony Wormack, Director, Center for Job Placement and College Opportunities shared details of the College’s Career Coach Program which allows students to connect course selection to regional job opportunities through assessment.

NVCC President Daisy Cocco De Filippis delivered the closing remarks with enthusiasm. She recognized NVCC community partners in the Waterbury Public Schools and invited the attendees to the College’s annual Community Meeting on June 14, 2019.

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