News and Releases
Naugatuck Valley Community College Hosts Dedication of Art Sculpture in Memory of MaryJean Pisani

NVCC Music students led by Gilad Harel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Music opened the program singing “I Have a Dream” by Abba. President De Filippis welcomed the community noting the beauty of the sculpture and the memory it brings to campus. “The MaryJean Pisani Alcove has at its center a sculpture, designed by Eduardo Giannattasio to honor MaryJean Pisani. The design and the execution of the sculpture are a wonder; a true combination of the ineffable in consort with a solid and very real presence; it evokes a sense of loss but what prevails is a sense of presence, the affirmation that feeling and longing lives on. MaryJean was Giuseppe’s beautiful and kind angel in the form of a woman. We remember the goodness she brought to this world and appreciate that her name is now part of the permanent list of members of the NVCC family.”
The artist, Eduardo Giannattasio shared his inspiration for the sculpture from a time in his own life, while Mayor Neil O’Leary remembered the generous spirit and inspiration that MaryJean Pisani brought to the city through her role in the installation of the huge steel cross, high on the hill overlooking Routes 84 and 8. Cathy Awwad, Executive Director Northwest Regional Workforce Board reminded us all that the sculpture is a reminder of MaryJean’s inspiration and calls us all to the same generosity.
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