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Naugatuck Valley Community College Hosts All-College Meeting to Mark the Opening of Spring Semester

Naugatuck Valley Community College Hosts All-College Meeting to Mark the Opening of Spring Semester

President Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., opened the Spring Semester All-College Meeting with welcoming remarks following a reception in the Leever Atrium of the Fine Arts Center at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, February 6, 2015.

President De Filippis introduced NVCC colleagues who had joined the College since the September All-College Meeting and welcomed them to the Naugatuck Valley Community College family.

She reminded the students, faculty and staff that we are at the midpoint in academic year 2014-2015 and invited everyone to consider current progress on a number of significant achievements: planning for the renovation of Founders Hall to become the Center for Health Sciences, constructing sidewalks on Chase Parkway for the Waterbury Campus, and the new Danbury Campus with its lease for a larger space.

The President reported that the NVCC Management Team is presently working on the preparation of a mid-point report which will detail progress on the current strategic plan, Toward a Splendid College, 2013-16. She encouraged colleagues to reflect on the areas that have shown progress, to take stock of what needs more attention, come to a reflective understanding of what needs to be adjusted or created a new, and take the time to write to the dean in each respective area with suggestions, comments, and words of encouragement. 

The meeting included a review of Transform 2020 initiatives and recognized NVCC colleagues who have volunteered to serve as members of committees for different initiatives. President De Filippis serves as executive sponsor of four Transfer 2020 initiatives:  Early College, to include P-Tech opportunities (CT Early College Opportunity), Go Back to Get Ahead (GBTGA), Cross Registration, and the Veterans Initiative. 

She noted that NVCC and many of our sister institutions have made a significant commitment of time to ensure that Transform 2020 is a viable and successful vehicle for improving funding and outcomes in support of our students. She added that Transform 2020, the blueprint for the future of Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, aligns perfectly with the NVCC Strategic Plan.

She closed her remarks by reading a brief excerpt from Pablo Neruda’s Nobel Laureate Speech,

All paths lead to the same goal; to convey to others what we are…
but in this dance or in this song, there are fulfilled the most ancient
rites of our conscience in the awareness of being human and of
believing in a common destiny.

Dr. Ron Picard, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs followed with an update on Transfer and Articulation Programs (TAP). Then individual college units presented their updates beginning with the Student Government Association (SGA) President, Iralis DeJesus who reported highlights of SGA activities. On behalf of the Faculty Senate, Professor Susan Anderson provided updates. Dr. Irene Rios-Knauf, Dean of Academic Affairs, reported about the initiatives on which the divisions will be working, which included the academic scheduling process, faculty academic advising, a common read for the college led by the library and First Year Experience (FYE) Committee, a review of the adjunct recruitment and assignment process, continued engagement in the College Career Pathways program, and continued work with new staff and faculty.

Student Services Dean Sarah Gager recognized the efforts of all the departments involved with her, especially the student workers. Her highlights included welcoming Associate Dean Antonio Santiago to lead the Danbury Campus where enrollment has now surpassed 1,000 for the first time.

James Troup, Provost and Senior Dean of Administration, said the Administration Unit update included outcomes from The Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center (AMTC) which reported an 87% job placement rate and is currently partnered with 125 companies. The Provost said the Community and Economic Development (CED) Office proudly reported NVCC’s workforce training enrollment and completion numbers for 2013-2014 were the highest among the Community Colleges in the system.

He expressed his gratitude to all employees of the Administration Unit and all college staff and faculty for helping us work toward becoming a splendid college.

The meeting concluded with a review of Transform 2020. Before opening the floor for questions, the President explained the extreme importance of NVCC knowing exactly what we want for additional support which aligns perfectly with our strategic goals. The President called several individuals in several categories involved with this initiative to the Mainstage to stand along aside her to respond to questions.

In conclusion, President De Filippis discussed her visit to Washington D.C., as the honored guest of Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty to attend President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address. She described the process of attending the ceremony and interviews; the beauty of the White House which belongs to all of us; the humbling history she witnessed before her; and the powerful honor not only of representing community colleges, but also women, immigrants, and all those who come to this country wanting to better their lives. President De Filippis then thanked all for coming and adjourned the meeting.

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