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Naugatuck Valley Community College Alumni Grace our Holidays with Postcards of Success

Naugatuck Valley Community College Alumni Grace our Holidays with Postcards of Success
The holidays are a time to catch up with friends and loved ones. At NVCC we welcome notes and updates from our graduates all year long, but when they come around the holidays, it’s a gift to be shared. Recently two graduates graced our holiday mailboxes with their stories.

Ingrid Taveras, a 2019 graduate of NVCC’ s Cybersecurity Program wrote “I graduated NVCC in May 2019, after which, I enrolled at Charter Oak State College to pursue a different bachelor degree within the Child Studies field of study. I am currently working in Hartford, CT with a company called Infosys. The courses within the Cybersecurity program helped prepare me for this job by teaching me to become a better learner and critical thinker. The work I am doing now requires me to learn and study many different subjects within the IT field of study. My future goals involve working with children in an educational setting. I would love to pursue and advanced degree in Child Psychology, which is the reason I am pursuing a degree in Child Studies. After doing some volunteer work and having my own child, I have found that I really enjoy helping children in any way that I can.”

Taveras went on to advise prospective students, “I would tell a student considering NVCC, that it opened the doors for me. The experience was more than academic. I become involved, met people from different walks of life and career paths. Doing so helped me to understand myself better and inspired new goals and paths. Life is about learning and doing things which make you feel happy. You can learn more than one subject if you choose. Do not limit your learning. I would like to once again thank all of NVCC and its wonderful hard-working staff members. My experience was the best I have had so far within a school setting. I am highly grateful and appreciative of my school experience while attending NVCC.” 

While attending NVCC, Taveras was active on campus, including membership in the President’s Circle. The President’s Circle at Naugatuck Valley Community is made up of a select group of outstanding achievers who serve as the College’s student ambassadors. Circle Ambassadors have the opportunity to attend major college events with the President and/or her Cabinet, and lend voice to their experiences as NVCC students. Through membership, students have access to platforms that allow them to directly engage with community leaders, officials, alumni and friends of the College. They have opportunities to make connections, build networks, and further their own pathway toward becoming an active citizens and leaders. Applicants, selected by the President, receive recognition, a small scholarship and a letter of recommendation from President De Filippis upon successful completion of their 2-semester term and graduation from NVCC.

When she first attended NVCC, Ingrid Taveras had worked in the cable industry for ten years. After being laid off, she knew she needed to improve her professional skills. As a mom, juggling the family finances, she was overwhelmed. When she heard about Naugatuck Valley Community College’s Cybersecurity program she remembers being “scared,” but decided to look into it in spite of her fear.

“As soon as I went to NVCC, I could tell it was different from other colleges. The faculty and staff were not only knowledgeable, but they truly cared about helping me succeed. At NVCC, the professors have real-world experience and guide you for success, not only in school but also in pursuit of future goals,”

Chris Gordon, a 2019 graduate of NVCC wrote to update his story since graduation in May. Chris had been extremely active on campus during his time at NVCC. He had been a member of the President’s Circle, a contributing writer to the Tamarack, and an officer in the Student Government Association. Chris graduated with two degrees from NVCC, a TAP: Psychology and a Liberal Arts. Currently a student at Western Connecticut State University, he is a Psychology major with a Philosophy minor. His career goal is to get into graduate school and later become a professor of psychology and philosophy.

Chris offered this advice to students considering NVCC. “The education is as rigorous as what I have found at WCSU, saving money and transferring after you have achieved an Associate degree is a great financial and educational decision.”

He noted that NVCC had prepared him for his studies at WCSU. “Most of my classes at NVCC have focused on preparing students for writing academic papers. I have found that I have an easier time in my upper level courses thanks to this. I chose NVCC because I was unsatisfied with where my life was heading and I decided to make a change. NVCC was also local and affordable.”

He had graduated from Waterbury Adult Education in 1998.

Chris Gordon shared these words to students, “Don't be afraid to join a club, participation helps boost grades and builds connections to others that will form the basis of a networking group for the future.”

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