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Honors Students Display In-Depth Research Projects

Honors Students Display In-Depth Research Projects

Waterbury, Conn. – Students displayed projects encompassing a semester’s worth of research and hard work during an Honors Institute Showcase held at NVCC on Nov. 22.

The event is a way to display students’ collaborative research for the purpose of earning honors credits. Students were assigned a topic and asked to perform extensive research and create a poster displaying the outcomes of their work.

The Honors Institute at NVCC is a program of study that allows students to complete their degree program with an “honors” designation, becoming members of a community of excellence. Honors students are given opportunities to participate in college-level research and independent study opportunities, as well as direct access to faculty mentoring and networking opportunities.

For honors students Brighid Flynn and Christian Buckley, researching the Federal Reserve System was time consuming, but rewarding. Mechanical Engineering Technology student William Story said he enjoyed creating his experiment, exploring the viscosities of three different fluids.

“It was fun and challenging at the same time,” Story said. “It took a lot of time and research, but it was fun for me because it’s what I’m interested in.”

"The collaboration between Honors faculty and Honors students, combined with the diligent work of the students has resulted in extraordinary projects,” NVCC Associate Professor Robyn-Jay Bage said. “Today has been a wonderful celebration of this process."

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