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Honors Institute Showcase Features Student Projects

Honors Institute Showcase Features Student Projects
Students in Naugatuck Valley Community College’s Honors Institute presented their research projects for the fall semester at the Honors Institute Showcase on December 3. Research topics ranged from monetary policy to children’s literature.  

The Honors Institute is a program of study which allows academically successful students to complete their degree program with an “honors” designation. Honors students join a “community of excellence” and participate in college-level research and independent study opportunities, as well as gain direct access to faculty mentoring and networking opportunities.

The Honors Institute projects, requiring at least 20 hours of work over and above regular course work, are designed in collaboration with a faculty member, and represent an area of particular interest to the student. Students who successfully complete nine credits of rigorous honors work are eligible to graduate “With Honors.”

Six students presented their research:

  • Rachel Carafiello, working with Professor Donna Marotti, shared her research on the history and future of the Federal Reserve.
  • With the support of Professor Amy Lenoce, Karen Germosen looked at Tinder, an emerging social initiation tool. Germosen also had a second topic, and studied the Federal Reserve with Professor Marotti.
  • Under the guidance of Professor Patricia Pallis, Jillian Noseworthy examined the importance of picture books in child development.
  • Also with Professor Pallis, Kristin Onofreo conducted research on the history and transformation of fairy tales.
  • Kaithleen Pesantez, working with Professor Sandra Eddy and Associate Director of Human Resources Jacquie Swanson, explored the use and efficacy of talent management software.
  • Lesley Steck looked at the evolution of children’s literature, also with the guidance of Professor Pallis.

“It was stimulating and so enjoyable to engage the showcase participants in conversations about their projects, to challenge them and then witness their demonstration of expertise in their subjects,” said Professor Greg Harding, who serves on the Honors Institute Advisory Committee and as advisor to Phi Theta Kappa. “As impressive to me as a faculty member was the pride their professors had in the work of each of their students. This is what we signed up for when we chose to teach.”

New and current NVCC students are eligible to apply for the Honors Institute. More information can be found by contacting any member of the advisory committee or visiting the Honors Institute page on NVCC’s website.

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