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Community College Humanities Association Honors Naugatuck Valley Community College’s Literary Magazine

Community College Humanities Association Honors Naugatuck Valley Community College’s Literary Magazine
Fresh Ink, NVCC’s literary journal, publishes the selected literary and artistic works of students and community members. It is an annual publication with a review board of NVCC faculty, alumni and students. The magazine publishes a call for literary contributions of poems, short stories and art to be submitted for board review prior to each annual edition.

Fresh Ink is guided by Jeannie Evans-Boniecki, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, and Faculty Advisor, who recently announced that two NVCC student poems published in the 2019 edition have been recognized as “Outstanding Student Works” by the 2019 Literary Magazine Competition conducted by the Community College Humanities Association (CCHA).“Zora Neale Hurston and Luke Turner Reunite” by Kristen Marcano was awarded first place best poem in the Eastern Region.
“Sea” by Sevastian Volkov was awarded second place best poem also in the Eastern Region.

In addition to these honors, Fresh Ink 2019, NVCC’s Literary Journal, was awarded second place for best magazines from small colleges in the Eastern Division.

The Community College Humanities Association (CCHA), founded in 1979, is the only national organization for humanities faculty and administrators in two-year colleges. It is dedicated to strengthening and growing the humanities in two-year colleges as well as creating awareness of the value of humanities education for students, parents, employers, and members of the community. CCHA has five regional divisions each represented by Board Members. The purpose of the Association is to advance the cause of the humanities in community colleges by providing a regular forum for the exchange of ideas on significant issues in the humanities in higher education. CCHA encourages and supports the professional work of faculty and administrators in the humanities by sponsoring conferences, seminars, and institutes to provide opportunities for faculty development.

Summarizing the results of this year’s contest, Professor Evans-Boniecki noted, “As advisor to Fresh Ink, I am honored by this recognition of our labor and achievement, particularly because this edition celebrated 50 years of the journal’s continuous publication at NVCC. I am deeply grateful to CCHA for offering community colleges, nation-wide, an opportunity to showcase our amazing talent. I nominated the poems written by Kristen Marcano and Sevastian Volkov because of their intense attention to the elegant and artistic baring of the human soul. They reaffirm for me that an honest expression of human existence is often surreal, and I am thrilled that my appreciation of their poetry has been shared by a larger literary community. I look forward to reading more from these remarkable young writers in the future editions of Fresh Ink and beyond.”

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