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Community Artist and Instructor Reflects on Career, Art

Community Artist and Instructor Reflects on Career, Art
Pasquale Joseph (Joe) DeCicco, an English adjunct at NVCC since 1989, is known for his relief carvings that grace many of the College’s walls. Prior to NVCC, DeCicco taught at Waterbury’s Crosby High School for 25 years. Aside from his love of education, DeCicco enjoys creating art for colleagues and the community. “I’m inspired by the idea of beauty,” he said. Last year, the Vatican accepted Joe’s gift of a relief carving depicting the face on the Shroud of Turin and sent Joe a “Thank You” from Pope Francis’ secretary. He also has carvings that were accepted by the past and present White House administrations.  A wood bas relief with acrylics of Abraham Lincoln created by DeCicco is included in the Spring 2018 NVCC Faculty Art show which is currently on display in the Community Room in Founders Hall. When asked to reflect upon his many years teaching at NVCC, DeCicco says a poem he wrote titled, “School,” sums up his experience well.






(To Naugatuck Valley Community Technical College—A Dedication)


“That school belongs alone to them who seek

A richer life and higher pay each week.

Is but a faded maxim, grim and bleak.


For it exerts the wrong appeal

To senses nature means to feel

Wonder and awe that worldly woe would heal


Therefore, the school is what its students need,

And shall their truest interests ever heed

Because man’s mind on finder food for thought must feed.


Like Lady Liberty its own unwanted people take

And give to each the precious chance to make

What better man or woman time in them will wake.


Before my inner eyes, pass in quickening pace

My students of every age and sect and race,

Who now at once become one face.


For they to me were one on one

Like earth in orbit ‘round its sun.

But now, just points of light, to blur begun


To each of them the school belongs.

For each one writes, and sings its songs.

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