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DegreeWorks Info & Frequently Asked Questions for Advisors

What is Degree Works?

Degree Works is an advising tool available to students, faculty, and advisors. The application can be accessed via myCommNet login.

Degree Works provides access to a student's academic history and applies that academic history towards the degree program the student is enrolled in. Students can also view "What-If" audits to see their academic history applied to a different degree.

Please review the How-to Videos to learn how to access and use Degree Works and read the FAQs below to get answers to your questions.

NOTE: If you are not directed to Degree Works when you click the link in myCommNet you may need to disable Pop-Ups in your browser.

Degree Works - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About Degree Works

What is Degree Works?

Degree Works is a Web-based tool for students to monitor their academic progress toward degree completion. Degree Works also allows students and their faculty advisors to plan future academic coursework by viewing courses remaining.

What is a degree evaluation?

A Degree Works degree evaluation is a review of past, current and in-progress coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree or certificate.

What if I am enrolled in two programs?

Students who are enrolled in two academic programs will be able to view both programs by choosing from the Program drop-down list next to the right of their name in the Degree Works display.

How do I login to Degree Works?

Once you have logged into myCommNet you will see the Degree works portal with links to the college (or colleges) where you are a student. Choose the Naugatuck Valley Community College link to view your NVCC degree evaluation.

Is my information confidential?

Yes. Degree Works is accessed through secure login to myCommNet. Once logged in you can access Degree Works by clicking the college name in the Degree Works portal. Degree Works will open in a new window. It is very important that you log out when you are finished to ensure that your information remains confidential.

Who has the ability to access my Degree Works account?

Only you and your faculty advisor will be able to see your degree evaluation, other students will not be able to see your degree evaluation unless you let them, or if you fail to logout when you are finished.

Can I register for classes in Degree Works?

No. Degree Works is a snapshot of courses in-progress and in academic history. Registration, add/drop, etc., are still handled through the registration function in myCommNet.

Are my grades visible in Degree Works?

Yes. Once grades have been processed at the end of the semester, they are viewable in Degree Works. Courses in-progress are listed with a grade of "REG" and the credits in parentheses.

Is a Degree Works evaluation a transcript, or is this the same as my transcript?

No. Degree Works is a degree evaluation of your progress toward graduation as well as an outline of requirements still needed to complete your program of study.

Can I see a list of all of the classes I've taken?

Yes. Click on the "Unofficial Transcript" link at the top for a printable list of courses taken.

What do I do if I believe my information is incorrect?

You should consult your faculty advisor and review your degree evaluation with him/her to ensure accuracy

How can I update information?

You cannot update course or curriculum information in Degree Works. If you need to change your major you must complete a Change of Major/ form available on the NVCC website under “Registrar” or in the CAPSS office (K520) then deliver it to the Registrar’s office (K516).

Using the Degree Evaluation

What will my degree evaluation show me?

Your degree evaluation will display the courses you've taken and any courses that are in progress. The degree evaluation will show you any degree requirements that have been met by the courses you've taken or that may be met upon satisfactory completion of courses in progress.

Will I be able to view my entire history of courses taken at NVCC?

Degree Works uses the information that is current on your transcript. You will be able to view any courses that have been completed, registered for, transferred in by the date your degree evaluation was last refreshed (an overnight process each night). Keep in mind that any transfer work or grade changes that have not been formally submitted and accepted will not appear on your degree evaluation.

How do I know what classes I need to take?

Your degree evaluation will outline the courses still needed to meet degree requirements. You will be able to use this information to discuss your plan with your faculty advisor.

Can I view course information in Degree Works?

Yes.  By clicking on a course in your degree evaluation you can view any pre-requisites required, as well as course sections available for the upcoming semester.

If I withdraw from a class, will that be reflected in my degree evaluation?

Courses from which you have withdrawn will appear in the Insufficient block on your degree evaluation.

About the "What If" Feature

What is the "What If" feature?

The "What If" function shows what a degree evaluation would look like with a different program. Your new "What If" degree evaluation will show you what coursework is required for this major, what courses you have taken that satisfy requirements, and what courses are still left for you to take.

Note: New programs may appear in the “What-If” Feature before they appear in the NVCC college catalog.

If I use the "What If" feature does this mean that I have changed my major?

No. The "What If" function shows what a degree evaluation would look like with a different program. This DOES NOT officially change the student’s record.

Can my faculty advisor see my "What If" scenario?

Yes, but only if you process the “What If” while working with your faculty advisor in Degree Works or if you click the “Process as PDF” button and then save the PDF to your desktop.  The PDF can then be emailed or printed.

Can I save my "What If" scenario in Degree Works?

No. "What If" plans are not saved in Degree Works. You would need to run a new "What If" scenario next time you log in to see it again. You may save a “What If “ as a PDF by choosing the “Process as PDF” button and then saving to your desktop.

If I like what I see in my "What If" scenario, how do I initiate those changes?

Speak with your faculty advisor. If you would like to change your major you must complete a Declaration of Major/Change of Major form available on the NVCC website under “Campus Resources”, in the Counseling/Advising office (LH-A108), or Admissions office (LH-B109) obtain the necessary approvals, then deliver it to the Registrar’s office (LH-B109).


Can I print my degree evaluation?

You can print your degree evaluation by clicking on the “Print” button at the top. For a more print-friendly view, save your degree evaluation as a PDF (click Save as PDF button) and then print the document.


Can I print my degree evaluation?

You can print your degree evaluation by clicking on the “Print” button at the top. For a more print-friendly view, save your degree evaluation as a PDF (click Save as PDF button) and then print the document.

About GPA Calculators

What is the Graduation Calculator?

The Graduation Calculator enables you to determine the GPA you will need to earn on AVERAGE for the rest of the courses you need to take in order to graduate with a specific desired GPA.

For a thorough explanation visit the How-to Videos

What is the Term Calculator?

The Term Calculator enables you to estimate the Term GPA based on the projected grades for the classes that you are currently taking.

For a thorough explanation visit the How-to Videos

What is the Advice Calculator?

The Advice Calculator provides you with different “paths” that you can potentially take to earn a desired GPA.

For a thorough explanation visit the How-to Videos